
NOTE: Red Engine has been renamed as Rocketry


This documentation is out of date. The project continues under: https://rocketry.readthedocs.io

Minimal example:

from redengine import RedEngine

app = RedEngine()

def do_things():

if __name__ == "__main__":

Basic example:

from redengine import RedEngine

app = RedEngine()

def do_things():

@app.task("after task 'do_things'")
def do_after_things():

if __name__ == "__main__":

Intermediate example:

from redengine import RedEngine
from redengine.args import Return, Arg, FuncArg

app = RedEngine()

@app.cond('is foo')
def is_foo():
    "This is a custom condition"
    return True

@app.task('daily & is foo', execution="process")
def do_daily():
    "This task runs once a day and runs on separate process"
    return ...

@app.task("after task 'do_daily'")
def do_after(arg1=Return('do_daily')):
    """This task runs after 'do_daily' and it has its the 
    return argument as an input"""

if __name__ == "__main__":

Advanced example:

from redengine import RedEngine
from redengine.args import Return, Arg, FuncArg

app = RedEngine()

# Custom Condition
# ----------------

@app.cond('is foo')
def is_foo():
    # This is a custom condition
    return True

# Parameters
# ----------


def get_item():
    # This is a custom condition
    return 'world'

# Tasks
# -----

@app.task('daily', execution="process")
def do_on_process():
    "This task runs once a day and runs on separate process"
    return ...

@app.task("after task 'do_things'")
def do_pipeline(arg1=Return('do_on_process'), 
    """This task runs when 'do_on_process' has succeeded.
    Argument 'arg1' gets the return value of 'do_on_process'
    Argument 'arg2' gets the return value of function 'get_item'
    Argument 'arg3' is simply the value of a session parameter 'my_arg'"""

@app.task('daily & is foo', execution="thread")
def do_custom():
    """This task runs once a day and when is_foo returns True
    This task runs on separate thread"""

@app.task('(true & true) | (false & True & ~True)')
def do_complex():
    """Notice the logical expression in the task start condition"""

if __name__ == "__main__":